- Information about company
- Company name
- LEX Law Firm LLC
- From
- Kyrgyzstan
- The company is
- consultant
- The sphere of activity of the company
- other
- Communication language
- english
- Phone number
- +996555777295
- office@lex.kg
- Address, Location
- 189a Tynystanova str., Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
- Website
- https://lex.kg
- Company description
- The Law Firm LEX was established in 2000. Currently, it is one of the leading law firms in the Kyrgyz Republic. Activity of the firm is directed on legal support of the business. Lawyers and attorneys offer a wide range of legal services throughout the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic. We are specializing in resolutions of disputes in courts, legal consulting services, representation of clients in governmental authorities, legal support and dealing of your business. A wide range of services and professionalism of our lawyers make us attractive to business cooperation.
- Company offer
- Our company offers clients a wide range of legal services. We provide services from registration of entrepreneurs to full legal support. In this connection, we are able to solve any problem of a legal nature that a client may have.
- What is the company looking for
- We will be glad to cooperate with Hungarian and Kyrgyz companies.
- Contact person of the company
- Full name
- Andrey Lee
- Position
- Phone number
- +996550402783
Date of registration 2022-ж., 5-июнь