- Information about company
- Company name
- HWTC Hungarian Water Technology Corporation Corp
- From
- Hungary
- The company is
- producer
- The sphere of activity of the company
- water management
- Communication language
- english
- Phone number
- +36705212334
- adrian.kiss@hunwatertech.com
- Address, Location
- Fuvaros utca 14, Hungary
- Website
- https://hunwatertech.com/index.php/en/
- Company description
- The Hungarian Water Technology Corporation (HWTC) is a private sector consortium comprised of three internationally recognized companies: Szabadics Civil Engineering and Construction Plc., Hidrofilt Water Treatment Ltd. and Controlsoft Ltd. The Consortium specializes in the design and complete implementation of drinking water treatment plants, construction of wastewater treatment plants, production of containerized mobile water and wastewater treatment compact units, membrane desalination plants and recycling technologies for industrial wastewater.
- Company offer
- Drinking-water treatment systems from small settlements up to the largest cities, including conventional or the most modern ultrafiltration technology. Technological water supply systems for different industries, e.g. chemical, oil, pharma, textile, food & beverage industry. Membrane separation systems including sea/brackish water treatment with reverse osmosis (SW/BWRO), nanofiltration (NF), ultrafiltration (UF), micro filtration (MF), electro deionisation (CEDI), membrane degasification (MC) technologies. Seawater desalination systems for production of drinking-water, irrigation water, process water. High purity water production systems for power plants, for the electronics and pharmaceutical industries.
- What is the company looking for
- Private and governmental institutions as reliable, long-term partners in developing joint water treatment projects in Kyrgyzstan. We are looking for collaboration in all areas where water treatment is needed: waste water, drinking water, industrial waste water treatment, but also agriculture, irrigation, food and beverage industry, energy and oil&gas sectors, electronics etc.
- Contact person of the company
- Full name
- Adrian Kiss
- Position
- Owner
- Phone number
- +36705212334
Date of registration June 3, 2022