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Information about company
Company name
Water4All Zrt. CJSC
The company is
The sphere of activity of the company
energy sector
The another sphere of activity of the company
water management
Communication language
Phone number
Address, Location
8000 Székesfehérvár, Donát utca 78., Hungary, Hungary
Company description
Our company's goal is to be an active player and be a contributor to the world’s drive towards a Green Lifestyle, by creating recycle and re-use opportunities in the fields of wastewater treatment, wastewater, sludge management and water treatment, in the spirit of sustainability, achieved by the introduction of efficient and complex environmental solutions. Applying our decades-long expertise to these most modern technological solutions, we ensure that the requirements of EU directives are met all the time. Our primary goal is the modernization of the energetical and technological elements of existing, low-efficiency systems by designing and implementing the most UpToDate, low-energy, high- efficiency solutions. In addition, provision of excellent engineering support and assistance in the elimination of sludge reservoirs, which are considered a major source of pollution, both in our home country and worldwide is paramount to our company. We are active in the industrial, municipal, and agricultural sectors, with the combination of the abovementioned technological water and sludge management solutions. INDUSTRIAL AND DOMESTIC WASTEWATER TREATMENT When creating our technologies a key criteria was to avoid any impact of noise, vibration, odor or aerosol on the environment. In line with international practice, this ensures that communal wastewater treatment plants are built in the direct vicinity of residential areas, and industrial wastewater treatment plants are built in factories side-by-side with production units. All this offers significant savings potential. Our biotechnology features a high level of flexibility and toleration capacity which allows high level of automation. A minimum number of operating staff is needed (they can even be employed part-time). The wastewater treatment plants operate non-stop and their professional and effective operation poses an even greater challenge than their construction. Upon demand, our company provides professional supervision and, in case of industrial facilities, comprehensive operation. Industrial wastewater treatment plants Our industrial wastewater treatment plants evolve in line with the increasingly diverse requirements of our clients and the challenging composition of wastewaters. Competition is extremely intense in this worldwide sector meaning that new technologies must be developed constantly. Our mission is the implementation of patented cutting-edge technologies and their adaptation to a specific task. The economic and sustainability aspects of industrial wastewater treatment plants are now among the most important issues. Our facilities employ state-of-the–art low-sludge technologies with typically low space requirements, high flexibility and a level of automation. This allows easy adaptation to hectically changing loads. It is likely that these factors together account for our outstanding success in the industrial segment. Municipal wastewater treatment plants When developing our municipal wastewater treatment facilities we have followed similar principles to those applied in the industrial segment. Our patented technologies offer the state of the art solutions in terms of efficiency, security of operation and operating costs. We recommend our tailor-made, simple biological wastewater treatment plants to any size of municipality. The technologies used can be of continuous operation or they can be based on cyclic CONTISEQTM activated sludge technology. At the lower end of the capacity spectrum we can deliver containerised, ready-built wastewater treatment facilities requiring assembly only. Wastewater technologies Anaerob biotechnologiesAnaerob biotechnologies Aerobic biological processAerobic biological process Physical-chemical processPhysical-chemical process Special aerobic, high rate, closed design, sludge poor biotechnologiesSpecial aerobic, high rate, closed design, sludge poor biotechnologies Biogas The sludge generated during wastewater treatment, alongside with a wide range of other agricultural by-products, can be the basis of long-reaching and environmentally aware thinking. The harmonised, coherent development of wastewater treatment, sludge management and biogas production technologies can yield far more economical environmental systems and far greater benefits to the environment. On the basis of our experience from a large number of industrial and municipal wastewater treatment projects, both as developer and as main contractor, we can also develop and build cost-effective biogas facilities. Like our wastewater treatment plants, our biogas plants come with a high level of professionalism, which means the best available technologies are delivered. Innovative water disinfection Water disinfection by chemicals is steadily losing its popularity due to the disinfectants being harmful to human health and the environment. Not even mentioning that in cases of industrial use, traditional methods are often ineffective. The unique h2o.TITANIUM® offers an effective, chemical-free, up-to-date water treatment solution. The equipment operating on the principle of photocatalysis (UV/TiO2) is suitable for the treatment of drinking, bathing and industrial (waste) water. With the use of h2o.TITANIUM®, the removal of microorganisms and pathogens is faster and more efficient than with any other known and industrially used oxidation technology. The use of h2o.TITANIUM® is a reasonable investment since the easy-to-operate, safe and environmentally friendly device has long life, low power consumption and does not require significant maintenance. Furthermore, the photocatalytic technology is available both on its own, and as part of the complex water management system. In special cases, such as an unforeseen microbiological water pollution, the operational leasing of the equipment is possible. Operation Beyond engineering, project preparation and implementation tasks, professional operation is the guarantee for the highest possible quality of design and implementation. It also ensures the application of the best materials and the highest standards, reliability and security. For this reason we offer long-term operation services to our Clients who recieve the benefits of optimum, sustainable and synergic operation.
Company offer
- Industrial and domestic wastewater treatment, building wastewater treatment plants; - Development and building cost-effective biogas plants and facilities; - Innovative water disinfection;
What is the company looking for
- State organizations and municipalities, that produce domestic wastewater; - Industrial production companies, that produce industrial wastewater; - Agricultural and food companies that use and emit water in large quantities; - Universities and research organizations, that carry out R&D in wastewater treatment, water disinfection, and biogas energy
Contact person of the company
Full name
Janos Matuz
Senior Manager
Phone number
Date of registration February 28, 2023